And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
Friedrich Nietzsche
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
Friedrich Nietzsche
All the surgeries that happen in life’s operation theater are performed by God.
Some country in the Middle East. A woman senator, the proponent of a bill to give women equal rights to vote, has a problem. Sareh, an outspoken activist of the women’s rights movement, has been kidnapped and is being forced to issue statements that the parliament should NOT approve the women’s voting rights bill. The senator calls on Alchemy, who resides in Senegal and is the organizer of a secret network of stealth innovators. Alchemy issues an Urgent Evoke. Continue reading
Dear Fast Company:
I love you.
You are young, hip, and happening. You know what is cool today in Silicon Valley (Invincible Apple: 10 Lessons From the Coolest Company Anywhere) and outside of its leafy environs (Eye Phone: MIT Researchers Develop Ultra-Cheap, Smartphone-Based Eye Exam Tool). You are green (Biomimicry Challenge: For IBM, Smart Design Draws Water Conservation Inspiration From Ecosystems). You publish eye-popping infographics (Infographic of the Day: The World’s Most Dysfunctional Countries, Ranked). You care not just for what Coltan can do, but more importantly and wisely, you spend enormous amount of resources to dig into (no pun intended) where it came from and at what cost (Mineral Wealth of the Congo). Continue reading
Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right thing.
Peter Drucker
As we extol the possibilities of information and communication technologies (ICT) as the agents of positive social change, we also have to accept the painful corollary that its influence can also be negative. Continue reading