It is good to spend some time with children. They will teach you to believe, to love and to play.
It is good to spend some time with children. They will teach you to believe, to love and to play.
There was the tendency to confuse good manners and good tailoring with integrity and intelligence.
J.K. Galbraith (1961). Quoted in The Madoff Affair from The Economist
(s)He who upsets a thing should know how to rearrange it.
African proverb via Robert Egger’s blog
When memories exceed dreams, the end is near. The hallmark of a truly successful organization is the willingness to abandon what made it successful and start fresh.
Michael Hammer, business process reengineering Guru
The best way to persuade is with your ears.
Ex Senator Daschle in the A Rising Political Star Adopts a Low-Key Strategy (Oct 17)
This award winning film is being presented to mark the opening of the NG Museum exhibition Whales | Tohora. Whale Rider, featuring a performance that earned an Academy Award Best Actress nomination for young actress Keisha Castle-Hughes, tells the story of a courageous young Maori girl who is put to the test of respecting tradition while accepting change when a group of whales are mysteriously stranded on her village’s beach.
Grosvenor Auditorium, National Geographic Society, 1600 M Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036