Who is the Master? That one who frees you
Breaking the shackles of slavery from your feet.
— Rumi (from Deccan Chronicle)
Who is the Master? That one who frees you
Breaking the shackles of slavery from your feet.
— Rumi (from Deccan Chronicle)
Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Continue reading
Note: It is spelled as momiphant in The End of India. Fixed the error with Mimophant, the accurate spelling.
Throughout the ages, painters and writers of fantastic tales have been fond of creating chimeras (a monster with a lion’s head, goat’s torso and a serpent’s tail). My own favorite brain-child is the mimophant. Continue reading
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The pillars (தூண்) that reminds me of old homes? The cooking pots (மண் பானை), once essential, now almost extinct? The firewood cooking (விறகு அடுப்பு) that itself feels so quaint? The flowers in the hair? The courtyard (வாசல்) and the play … Continue reading
Three major basis for corruption in our society:
Google’s Fusion Tables, a way to manage large amounts of data online with powerful visualization capabilities built into it, was recently graduated out of Google Labs and became an app available on the Google Apps dashboard. I have used Google’s Spreadsheet Mapper to create embeddable maps before, so I needed to know what Google Fusion Tables is all about and whether I need to update my knowledge any. Conveniently for me, Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF), one of the organizations I am working with, is also in search of a simple mapping solution to highlight the hundreds of projects they have done over the years.
So, task for today – figure out Google Fusion Tables and find a solution for PTF. Continue reading