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Let’s Do It: Estonia’s Clean Up Project
Plan: Clean up a country. In one day. Sounds crazy? Watch this video:
10,000 tonnes of garbage was collected in one day. Wow!
“Let’s Do It” campaign was born in Estonia from one idea – what if we clean up the whole country? Here is a step-by-step guide to how Estonia managed to accomplish this amazing feat. Continue reading
Ancient Greece
Photo from Greece trip.
Just so I can see the blue sky today. :)
Exercises in Empathy #1
cc Empathy by [auro]
You can try this at your own time and convenience. Do the following in a public space:
Do something to help someone you do not know.
There are only two conditions to this step:
- It has to be simple – things that do not impede on whatever you are doing at that moment
- It has to be small – normal, every day things that no one else but you and the person you helped will notice.
If you are wondering what would be a small and simple task that can help others, here are a couple of examples. Continue reading
Books: Wolf Totem
Wolf Totem a novel by by Jiang Rong
A stunning portrait of 1960s Mongolia as seen through the eyes of an empathetic Han ethnographer. This adventurous novel explores the divisions between agrarian/nomadic, warrior/peasant, and tradition/modernity.
My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going,
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end. Continue reading
February 22, 2011
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Step 2 – Beetroot Rice
Step 2 – Beetroot Rice